Posts Tagged ‘Obama express


Why right wing fundamentalist freaks like me are despised and hated with such passion

If a person dared spend any amount of time browsing the internet regarding any subject important to Evangelical Christians, it would be quickly apparent that the prophecies of Jesus have come to pass. The amount of pure hatred and venom directed at anyone who dares to believe much of anything aligned with the conservative side of Christianity is astounding. There is not simple disagreement with theology involved here, there is outright hatred.

Take for instance the much ridiculed concept of a bodily return of Jesus Christ to this earth. It makes no difference to the millions upon millions of people who rabidly fight against conservative Christians whether we are talking about the “Rapture” idea or simply the “Return of Christ”. Either and both of these ideas are equally repulsive and ridiculous to everyone in this world who is not “fanatical right wing fundamentalist weirdo freak”.

The most disgusting aspect of this problem is that many of those who are most vocal in their disdain for people such as myself is that they claim to be Christians themselves. Their idea of Christianity is to give everyone on earth a big bear hug, condone their lifestyle (whatever it may be), NEVER use the Bible as the standard for determining truth and use Christianity as a cloak for their religion which has nothing to do with Jesus Christ.

Those who vehemently oppose us “extremists” say that our obsession with the Bible and refusal to relegate it to the same level as man’s literary works is the basis of all the world’s problems. These people blame George W. Bush for everything wrong in the world and they blame him because of his “pandering” to the right wing Evangelical Christian community. In their minds, if it were not for those “damn Christians”, John Kerry would have won the 2004 election.

The problem with us “freaks” is that we don’t want to devote our lives to cleaning up this planet so it will remain the centerpiece of man’s “how great I art” attitude for eternity. Ideas of Christ returning in any way, shape or form indicate a belief that this world does not belong to man and will someday be taken away from his jurisdiction and given over to some religious clown who will make everyone throw away their worldly habits, toys and sins.

Those who live their lives in opposition to what the Bible says are the very people who spend their days sharpening their spears and stockpiling flame throwers to hurl at those who represent their enemies. The enemy of anyone living contrary to God’s Word are those who believe God’s Word to be true. Thus, the group which must be silenced and otherwise destroyed is the fundamentalist wing of Christianity. This is the very thing which the Book of Revelation tells us will be happening in the very last days of this world.

Those who refuse to bow to the demands of world and religious leaders will be killed. Those who defy the dictates given to “SHUT UP” will be hunted down and publically executed as an example to others of what happens to those who refuse to obey. Those who stand their ground and do not compromise the Gospel message will be silenced one way or another.

Only a handful of Christians will be willing to pay the ultimate price for their faith. The vast majority will buckle under the pressure of relentless persecution. With threats of financial and physical doom hanging over their heads, multitudes of Christians will lay down their Bibles and choose physical life over martyrdom for the truth.

In light of this, why do the heathen even worry about us crazy right wing freaks? Most of us will roll over when the day comes and curl up in a little ball and suck our spiritual thumbs rather than stand our ground. Most fundamentalist Christians will sacrifice their faith on the altar of worldly recognition, wealth and glory.

Some of us will never compromise, even if it costs us our life. Some of us will never stop speaking the truth even if it means our fingers getting cut off and our tongues cut out. Some of us would gladly lay down our lives in defense of the Gospel. Some of us will never, under any circumstances turn our back on our Lord Jesus Christ.

So, as the United States hurdles towards its appointed date with destiny next week, I am still here along with thousands of others trying to awaken the sleeping giant of the Evangelical community to get their head out of the sand and go vote November 4th to stop the Obama express. If Christians continue to be fooled into thinking this man is sent by God as some type of savior; there is no choice but to believe the prophecy in 2 Thessalonians 2 of “God sending strong delusion that the church believes a lie” has come to pass.

I am not going to say that Mr. Obama is the “anti-Christ” or anything of the sort. What I will say is that if he is elected along with his supermajority of liberal friends in Congress, the beginning of the end to free speech starts. The voices of all opposed to the worldly and devilish doctrines passed into law will be muted and then silenced. That is not my opinion; it is the prophecy of God’s Word.

In one sense I don’t really care who is elected President for I don’t plan on being here long enough for it to matter. I have a one way ticket punched to spend my eternity with Jesus Christ and God. My life is not devoted to “fixing” all the ailments of this world. My future is not wrapped up in personal legacies and glowing eulogies from godless people. I am devoted to my Lord and my life is His to use as He sees fit. He is my master and to Him I am committed.

Whenever He chooses to return to this earth as Messiah and reign 1,000 years from Jerusalem; I plan on being there with Him. Whenever God establishes the new heaven and earth and comes to dwell with His people forever; I plan on being there. Man can do whatever he wants to dismiss, disgrace and otherwise discard God and what He says in His Word; but that will not change what is true and what will happen when God chooses to bring it to pass. As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.