Posts Tagged ‘Jesus Christ is Savior


Obama cannot be anyone’s savior or messiah for Jesus Christ already is

I am extremely agitated and upset currently by many things going on within the Christian body as well as this country. It is absolutely beyond my understanding how intelligent people can manage to fall prey to so many lies and deceiving spirits, but they are. Right and left, good and bad people of all denominations and walks of life are standing around waiting for someone to function as their “messiah” and save them. Read the following very closely:




Unless people wake up and realize what they are doing by turning to man and his wisdom for their salvation, they are going to find themselves in a situation no one really wants. Scoff all you want, but the Bible clearly states that the day is coming when prophecies of the book of Revelation will come to pass. There will be a one world government. There will be a one world religion. There will be one man who, as the antichrist, will oversee the mess known as the world.

Whether that one man is Barack Obama or not; anyone who parades himself around proudly projecting himself as the “messiah” cannot be from God. The Messiah came two thousand years ago and provided salvation to anyone willing to confess Him as Lord and believe God raised Him from the dead. That is what THE Messiah is all about; not providing money and jobs and health care.

Millions of people could care less what God thinks or says. All they are interested in is blindly following a man who is going to lead them to the promised land of prosperity and universal good. I cannot believe how many people, especially Christians, have bought into the Obama heresy hook, line and sinker.

The voices of reason are steadily being drowned out by the ever increasing fanatical cries of those desperate for a “savior”. Those who do not know or have rejected the true Savior Jesus Christ gladly pledge their allegiance to “the great one” who will solve all their problems and who will restore to them good health, a good job and womb to the tomb socialistic care. No one seems to care who this person really is and what he really believes. All that matters is the hyperbole that daily increases in absurdity and touches on blasphemy.

The coup that is getting ready to overthrow the United States will be bloodless and peaceful. The people of the United States will voluntarily relinquish control of their country, their livelihood, their families and faith to a man who will show his true colors once elected and sworn in. Through the very system set up to safeguard liberty (free elections); slavery will ensue.

There is no turning back, the country and many of the country’s Christians will speak on November 4th. What they will say they want is change from a President they don’t like and a Party they associate with corruption and deceit. Oh how the hypocrites rage and the people imagine vain things. The current economic failure is nothing more than a cleverly conceived and contrived smokescreen to bankrupt the world’s great powers and turn major countries such as this one into servitude states.

No true Christian would ever consider voting for someone on the basis of him/her being any kind of a “savior” or “messiah”. Vote for policy and ideas, but not for some hollow promise of salvation. No man has the capacity to change the world unless he has convinced the world’s masses that he can. If such a man gets elected in two weeks, what appeared so promising to many will turn out to be their worst nightmare once the chameleon changes its colors and throws off the façade which allowed him to win an election.

For those craving a savior and messiah, I beg you to turn to the only one who is capable of being such—Jesus Christ. Trusting in man to bring salvation yields only disappointment, deception and in the end defeat. Trusting in God and His Son Jesus Christ for salvation is the only way to receive eternal life which is indeed that which man’s heart cries out to receive. Trust in the Lord not man.